While the cats away.....
Hubby has gone away for a few days, so with plenty of spare time on my hands I'm on a mission to complete my project. I'm trying to get most of it done before he gets home but only time will tell..
In the last week I have;
Blocked off the spaces in the floors and ceilings of Jubilee shop, where the stairs would have came through.
Wallpapered the tea room.
Laid flooring in the toy shop, sweet shop and tea room.
Tiled the takeaway (plastic sheet tiles).
Painted the windows and doors of the pub and arcade.
Wallpapered the pub.
Tiled the pub loo.
Blocked off the basement's side windows.
Stone papered the basement's exterior.
Painted the basement path and steps (with textured paint then painted them to look like concrete).
Painted the basement fencing

My bestie Alison shared a great wallpapering with me that she'd found online. The tip is to cut cardboard templates to the the size of the walls, paper the cardboard, trim off the excess paper with a craft knife then slide the cardboard template straight into position. It was so much easier than trying to fumble around with wallpaper inside the rooms. I used the same method for laying the flooring aswell.
I've still got loads to do but I think I've earned a few days rest to recharge my batteries. (Although I've said that for the past couple of days and still rolled out of bed and grabbed a paintbrush lol).