Bad choices

After school club didn't last long, Emily only attended once last week, so I've worked on the house myself the last few days. 
I bought a canopy for the takeaway a few weeks ago and decided that the colour scheme of the shop would need to be green to match it. Have you ever started something then wish you hadn't bothered?

The first green I used was ghastly so I went darker and now it's dried I think it's too dark.

It's had quite a few coats but I can still see the lighter green showing through in places and it's driving me nuts. I suppose I can say I was going for the distressed weathered look.

Trying to paper round the edge of the windows and the doors was a pain. I can't believe I am finding this project so difficult when I have decorated so many dollshouses in the past, although the last one I did was 9 years ago and my health was much better then. I'm feeling quite deflated but as they say Rome wasn't built in a day. 


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